Angerforce: Reloaded, il titolo è in arrivo entro la fine del 2018 sull’eShop di Nintendo Switch

Poche ore fa è stato annunciato l’arrivo di Angerforce: Reloaded, indie game disponibile nei prossimi mesi sui Nintendo Switch europei.

Il titolo vertical shooter in stile anni 90, è in arrivo nei prossimi mesi sull’eShop europeo a americano di Nintendo Switch, entro la fine del 2018.

Trovate l’annuncio nel trailer in calce all’articolo.

The players will be able to improve their characters by choosing from randomly generated abilities. Your choices will impact your entire stage progression. You can choose from dozens of upgrade choices to complement your characters’ special abilities, thereby creating a unique personal play style.

In addition, the game also features a Local Co-op Mode that will allow you to explore the story alongside your friend.

The game uses an original cartoon/comic art style. Made with traditional 2D technology, thanks to free-form deformation technique, its character animation sequences are rich in detail, achieving a 3D-like effect.

Stand-Out Features:
– A straight-up hardcore STG that takes you back to the fast-paced 90’s.
– Original robotech and unique comic art style that employs FFD technique to achieve detailed and 3D-like effects in 2D animation.
– 7 elaborate stages and 10+ crazed bosses to defeat.
– 4 original characters, each of them having two special abilities and
one powerful bomb.
– A roguelike randomized ability system. Create your own unique play style by mixing and matching your character’s abilities.
– Explore the story behind each character and the secrets surrounding the enemy legion.
– More than 20 original tracks.

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